Learn How to Use the Corona Pole Saw for Branch Maintenance

In this insightful video by Spoken Garden, they take you through the various uses of the Corona Pole Saw for branch maintenance in your garden. The hosts, Sean and Allison, who are also the creators of Spoken Garden, have been sharing daily videos since March 2020, discussing their gardening experiences during quarantine. Their comprehensive demonstration showcases the functionality and versatility of the pole saw, emphasizing the importance of safety while using it. From pruning branches to creating more sun and preventing damage to buildings, the video covers essential tips and techniques for maintaining your garden’s branches. They also highlight the significance of proper maintenance and storage for the pole saw. The video is packed with valuable information for anyone looking to optimize their branch maintenance practices in a friendly and easy-to-understand manner.


Are you familiar with pole saws and their many uses in your garden? If not, don’t worry, because we’re here to show you! In this article, we’ll be discussing the Corona Pole Saw, a versatile and handy tool for your gardening needs. We’ll dive into its features, safety precautions, basic and advanced techniques, maintenance tips, troubleshooting, and even answer some frequently asked questions. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to effectively and safely use the Corona Pole Saw in your garden.

About the Corona Pole Saw

The Corona Pole Saw is a manual pole saw that offers a range of features to make your pruning tasks easier and more efficient. Let’s take a closer look at some of its key features.

Lopper Cutting Motion

One of the standout features of the Corona Pole Saw is its lopper cutting motion. This cutting mechanism allows the saw to efficiently cut through limbs and branches that are small enough to fit into its hook. The lopper cutting motion is operated by a pulley system, which provides the necessary leverage to make clean and precise cuts.

Telescoping Feature

Another useful feature of the Corona Pole Saw is its telescoping feature. This means that the pole of the saw can extend to different lengths, allowing you to reach higher branches without the need for a ladder. The telescoping mechanism is easy to use, typically requiring you to loosen a tightening mechanism and extend the pole to your desired length. Once extended, you can then tighten the mechanism to secure the pole in place.

15 Feet Length

The Corona Pole Saw offers an impressive maximum length of approximately 15 feet when fully extended. This extended reach makes it ideal for tackling branches and limbs that are high up in the trees. Additionally, the length of the pole saw can be adjusted to shorter lengths as needed, providing versatility for different gardening tasks.

Safety Precautions

Before we delve into the various uses of the Corona Pole Saw, it’s important to prioritize safety. Using any type of cutting tool comes with risks, and it’s crucial to take the necessary precautions to avoid accidents or injuries. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind when using the Corona Pole Saw:

  • Clear the area: Ensure that there are no people or pets in the immediate vicinity of your work area. This will prevent anyone from getting injured by falling branches or the saw itself.

  • Wear protective gear: Always wear appropriate safety gear, including gloves, safety glasses, and a helmet. These items will protect you from potential debris and injuries.

  • Use a sturdy ladder: If you need to use a ladder to reach higher branches, make sure it is secure and stable. Place it on a flat and even surface, and have someone assist you if possible.

  • Avoid electric power lines: Be mindful of any nearby power lines when operating the pole saw. It’s crucial to maintain a safe distance to prevent electrocution.

By following these safety precautions, you can minimize the risks associated with using the Corona Pole Saw and ensure a safe and enjoyable gardening experience.

Preparing for Use

Before you begin using the Corona Pole Saw, it’s important to check all the necessary parts and tools to ensure that everything is in good working condition. Here are some steps to follow when preparing for use:

Checking Parts and Tools

Take a few moments to inspect all the parts and tools that come with the Corona Pole Saw. Make sure that the pole saw, lopper cutting mechanism, and blade are in good working order. Check for any signs of damage or wear, such as bent blades or loose parts. Additionally, ensure that you have all the necessary tools, such as screws or wrenches, to assemble or disassemble the pole saw if needed.

Inspecting the Pole Saw

Carefully inspect the pole saw for any defects or issues. Check the telescoping mechanism to ensure that it extends and retracts smoothly without any sticking points. Inspect the handle for any signs of damage or wear that could affect your grip. Lastly, check the lopper cutting mechanism to ensure that it operates smoothly and securely.

Ensuring Proper Clothing and Safety Gear

Before you start using the Corona Pole Saw, make sure that you are dressed appropriately and wearing the necessary safety gear. Wear long sleeves and pants to protect your skin from scratches and debris. Choose sturdy and closed-toe shoes to provide stability and protect your feet. Additionally, make sure to wear gloves, safety glasses, and a helmet to further protect yourself from injuries.

By taking the time to check the parts and tools, inspect the pole saw, and wear proper clothing and safety gear, you can ensure that your experience with the Corona Pole Saw is safe and effective.

Basic Techniques

Now that you’re ready to use the Corona Pole Saw and have taken the necessary safety precautions, let’s explore some basic techniques for using it effectively in your garden. These techniques will help you prune branches, remove branches, create more sun in shaded areas, prevent damage to buildings, and clear areas for safety reasons. Let’s dive in:

Pruning Branches

Pruning branches is an essential part of maintaining the health and aesthetics of your trees. The Corona Pole Saw makes pruning branches a breeze. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Identify the branches to be pruned: Take a close look at the tree and identify any dead or diseased branches, as well as any branches that are crossing or rubbing against each other.

  2. Position the pole saw: Extend the pole saw to the desired length, making sure it is securely tightened. Position yourself so that you have a clear view of the branch you want to prune.

  3. Approach the branch: Carefully guide the hooked end of the pole saw towards the branch you want to prune. Use a back and forth motion to saw through the branch.

  4. Make the final cut: Once you have removed most of the weight of the branch, make a final cut closer to the trunk or main branch. This will ensure a clean cut and promote proper healing.

Remember to always be mindful of your surroundings and the correct angle to cut the branch without causing damage to the tree.

Removing Branches

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to completely remove branches from a tree. This could be due to overgrowth or the branch posing a risk to nearby structures. Here’s how you can use the Corona Pole Saw to safely remove branches:

  1. Identify the branch to be removed: Locate the branch that needs to be removed. Ensure that it is safe to do so and that there are no obstacles or hazards in the immediate vicinity.

  2. Position the pole saw: Adjust the length of the pole saw to reach the branch comfortably. Make sure the telescoping mechanism is securely tightened.

  3. Approach the branch: Position yourself so that you have a clear line of sight to the branch. Guide the hooked end of the pole saw towards the base of the branch.

  4. Cut the branch: Use a back and forth motion to saw through the branch. Apply steady pressure and make sure the saw blade is securely cutting through the branch.

  5. Remove the branch: Once you have cut through the branch, use a ladder or another tool to safely lower it to the ground. Clear away any debris or branches before moving on to the next task.

Creating More Sun

In some cases, tree branches may be blocking sunlight from reaching certain areas of your garden. This could affect the growth of other plants or limit the amount of natural light available. To create more sun in a shaded area, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the branches causing shade: Determine which branches are obstructing sunlight and affecting the desired area. Focus on branches that are casting the most shade or blocking the sunlight during peak hours.

  2. Position the pole saw: Extend the pole saw to a length that allows you to reach the branches causing shade. Make sure the pole is securely tightened.

  3. Approach the branches: Carefully guide the hooked end of the pole saw towards the branches causing shade. Use a back and forth motion to saw through the branches.

  4. Remove the branches: Once you have cut through the branches, remove them from the area. Take the time to clear away any debris or fallen branches to ensure a neat and tidy space.

Creating more sun in shaded areas can help promote healthier growth in your plants and make your garden more enjoyable.

Preventing Building Damage

Overhanging tree branches can pose a risk to nearby buildings, especially during strong winds or storms. To prevent potential damage to your structures, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the branches posing a risk: Look for branches that are close to or in contact with your building. Focus on branches that could potentially hit the structure during inclement weather.

  2. Position the pole saw: Adjust the length of the pole saw to reach the branches that pose a risk to your building. Ensure that the telescoping mechanism is securely tightened.

  3. Approach the branches: Using caution and precision, guide the hooked end of the pole saw towards the branches in question. Use a back and forth motion to saw through the branches.

  4. Remove the branches: Once you have cut through the branches, carefully lower them to the ground or have someone assist you in safely removing them. Ensure that no debris or loose branches remain near your building.

By regularly inspecting and removing branches that could potentially damage your building, you can protect your property and ensure a safe environment.

Clearing Areas for Safety Reasons

In some cases, branches or limbs may pose safety hazards if they are too low or obstructing pathways. Clearing these areas is crucial to maintain a safe environment. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Identify the areas to be cleared: Determine which areas need to be cleared for safety reasons. This could include pathways, driveways, or play areas.

  2. Position the pole saw: Adjust the length of the pole saw to reach the branches obstructing the identified areas. Ensure that the telescoping mechanism is securely tightened.

  3. Approach the branches: Carefully guide the hooked end of the pole saw towards the branches obstructing the area. Use a back and forth motion to saw through the branches.

  4. Remove the branches: Once you have cut through the branches, clear them away from the area. Ensure that no debris or obstacles remain, making the area safe for use.

Regularly clearing areas for safety reasons will help prevent accidents and ensure that your garden is a safe space for everyone to enjoy.

Advanced Techniques

Once you’ve mastered the basic techniques of using the Corona Pole Saw, you can explore some advanced techniques to tackle larger branches and reach higher areas in your garden. Let’s take a look at these techniques:

Cutting Larger Branches

While the Corona Pole Saw is primarily designed for smaller branches, it is possible to use it to cut larger branches. However, it requires a bit more effort and caution. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Assess the size of the branch: Determine if the branch is within the capabilities of the pole saw. Keep in mind that larger branches may require additional tools, equipment, or professional assistance.

  2. Position the pole saw: Adjust the length of the pole saw based on the height and reach required to cut the branch.

  3. Approach the branch: Carefully guide the hooked end of the pole saw towards the branch. Use a back and forth motion to gradually cut through the branch.

  4. Apply additional force if needed: For larger branches, you may need to apply more force and saw through the branch in sections. Take breaks if necessary to avoid fatigue and maintain control over the saw.

  5. Make the final cut: Once you have severed most of the branch, make a final cut closer to the trunk or main branch. This will ensure a clean cut and promote proper healing.

Remember to always prioritize safety when attempting to cut larger branches. If you feel unsure or the branch is too large to handle, it’s best to seek professional assistance.

Reaching Higher Branches

The telescoping feature of the Corona Pole Saw allows you to reach higher branches without the need for a ladder. However, reaching higher branches requires careful positioning and balance. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Assess the height and reach required: Determine the height of the branch you need to reach and adjust the length of the pole saw accordingly.

  2. Extend the pole saw: Using the telescoping mechanism, extend the pole saw to the desired length. Ensure that the mechanism is securely tightened.

  3. Position yourself: Find a stable and secure location from which you can reach the higher branches. If necessary, use a ladder or have someone assist you in maintaining balance.

  4. Approach the branches: Guide the hooked end of the pole saw towards the branches, using a back and forth motion to make clean cuts.

  5. Maintain stability and control: When reaching higher branches, it’s important to maintain your balance and control over the pole saw. Take your time and avoid overexertion or sudden movements.

By following these advanced techniques, you can effectively tackle larger branches and reach higher areas in your garden with the Corona Pole Saw.

Maintenance Tips

To keep your Corona Pole Saw in optimal condition and ensure its longevity, regular maintenance is essential. Here are some maintenance tips to keep in mind:

Cleaning the Pole Saw

After each use, take the time to clean the pole saw thoroughly. Remove any debris or resin buildup from the blade and other parts. Use a brush or cloth to clean hard-to-reach areas. Ensure that the pole saw is completely dry before storing it to prevent rusting.

Sharpening the Blade

Over time, the blade of your pole saw may become dull. Sharpening the blade will improve its cutting efficiency and performance. Use a suitable file or sharpening kit to sharpen the blade. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and take precautions to avoid accidental injury.

Replacing Parts

Inspect your Corona Pole Saw regularly for any signs of wear or damage to the parts. If you notice any issues, such as bent blades, loose parts, or malfunctioning mechanisms, replace the affected parts promptly. Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or contact their customer service for assistance with replacement parts.

Storing the Pole Saw

When you’re not using the Corona Pole Saw, it’s important to store it properly to maintain its condition. Clean the saw as mentioned above before storing it. Store it in a dry and secure location, away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. Hang or place the pole saw in a way that prevents any bending or damage to the blade or other components.

By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure that your Corona Pole Saw remains in excellent working condition and lasts for years to come.


Even with proper maintenance and care, you may encounter some issues or challenges while using the Corona Pole Saw. Here are a few common troubleshooting tips to help you resolve them:

Handle Slipping or Loosening

If you experience the handle of the pole saw slipping or loosening while in use, try the following:

  • Check the tightening mechanism: Ensure that the tightening mechanism is securely tightened. If it becomes loose during use, stop and retighten it before continuing.

  • Clean the handle and grip: Sometimes, a slippery handle can cause the pole saw to slip. Wipe down the handle and grip with a clean cloth to remove any debris or moisture.

  • Use gloves: Wearing gloves can provide a better grip and reduce the chances of the handle slipping. Make sure you’re wearing appropriate gloves for a secure hold.

Blade Sticking or Jamming

If the blade of the Corona Pole Saw is sticking or jamming during cutting, try the following:

  • Clean the blade: Resin or debris buildup on the blade can cause it to stick. Clean the blade thoroughly, removing any obstructions or buildup.

  • Lubricate the blade: Applying a small amount of lubricant to the blade can help reduce friction and prevent sticking. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for suitable lubricants.

  • Check the blade alignment: Ensure that the blade is properly aligned and tightened. Misalignment or loose screws can cause the blade to stick.

Pole Saw Not Extending or Retracting

If the telescoping mechanism of the Corona Pole Saw is not extending or retracting properly, try the following:

  • Check for obstructions: Inspect the pole saw for any debris, dirt, or obstructions that may be hindering the telescoping mechanism. Remove any obstructions and clean the mechanism if necessary.

  • Tighten or loosen the mechanism: If the mechanism feels stiff or stuck, try loosening or tightening it to restore proper function. Be careful not to overtighten or force the mechanism, as this can cause damage.

  • Lubricate the mechanism: Applying a small amount of lubricant to the telescoping mechanism can help it move more smoothly. Use a suitable lubricant recommended by the manufacturer.

If the issue persists or you are unsure how to resolve it, it is advisable to contact the manufacturer or seek professional assistance.


Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about the Corona Pole Saw:

Can the Corona Pole Saw be Used for Trimming Palm Trees?

Yes, the Corona Pole Saw can be used for trimming palm trees. However, it’s important to ensure that the length of the pole saw is sufficient to reach the desired branches. Some palm trees can have very tall and hard-to-reach branches, so it’s crucial to evaluate the specific requirements of your palm tree trimming task.

Is the Pole Saw Heavy to Handle?

The weight of the Corona Pole Saw can vary depending on the model and length. However, most Corona Pole Saws are designed to be lightweight and easy to handle. The telescoping feature also allows you to adjust the length and find a comfortable balance while using the pole saw. It’s always a good idea to consider your own strength and stamina when choosing a pole saw.

How Often Should I Sharpen the Blade?

The frequency of sharpening the blade will depend on the frequency of use and the type of branches you are cutting. As a general guideline, it’s recommended to sharpen the blade of your Corona Pole Saw after approximately 10 hours of use. However, if you notice that the saw is not cutting efficiently or is causing splintering, it may be time to sharpen the blade sooner.


The Corona Pole Saw is a valuable tool for any gardener, offering a range of features and benefits. Whether you’re pruning branches, removing unwanted limbs, creating more sun in shaded areas, preventing building damage, or ensuring safety in your garden, the Corona Pole Saw has you covered. Remember to prioritize safety by following the necessary precautions and techniques outlined in this article. With regular maintenance and proper care, your Corona Pole Saw will continue to be a reliable companion in your gardening journey. Happy pruning!