


Welcome to My Rock Tools! Our website, located at https://rockdoge.com/, is dedicated to providing reviews and information about pole saws and battery chainsaws. We strive to offer accurate and unbiased content to help you make informed decisions when purchasing these gardening tools.

Nature of Reviews

Please note that the reviews and information presented on My Rock Tools are based on our research, experiences, and opinions. Our team of experts thoroughly examines and tests various pole saws and battery chainsaws to provide you with comprehensive and valuable insights.

Affiliate Links

In order to support the maintenance and operation of our website, we may participate in affiliate marketing programs. This means that we may earn a commission if you make a purchase through certain links provided on My Rock Tools.

Transparency and Independence

We value honesty and transparency, and our reviews are independent of any bias or influence. Our priority is to deliver accurate and objective information to assist you in finding the most suitable pole saw or battery chainsaw for your gardening needs.


While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented on our website, we cannot guarantee that all information is entirely free from errors or omissions. Therefore, any reliance you place on any information provided by My Rock Tools is solely at your own risk. We recommend cross-checking information and considering multiple sources before making any purchasing decisions.

User Responsibility

It is essential to exercise your own judgment and conduct thorough research before making any purchase based on the information provided on My Rock Tools. We encourage you to compare products, read user reviews, and consider your personal preferences and requirements before making any final decisions.

Changes to the Disclosure

My Rock Tools reserves the right to modify, update, or change this disclosure at any time without prior notice. Any alterations will be effective immediately upon posting them on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclosure or our website in general, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Last updated: Sep 7, 2023