First Cuts with the 9.5” 7amp Portland Pole Saw

Hey guys! Recently, I picked up a 9.5” 7amp Portland Pole Saw from Harbor Freight, and I just had to share my experience with you. I had a black walnut tree limb hanging over my greenhouse that needed to be taken care of, so this seemed like the perfect tool for the job. In this review video, I’ll walk you through the unboxing, setup, and my first cuts with this electric pole saw. It’s super convenient, as it plugs right into an extension cord. Plus, it’s packed with great features like a seven-amp motor, a half-inch bar, and an eight-foot ten-inch handle length. I’ll also talk about the insurance plan I bought and the customer service offered by Harbor Freight. So far, I’ve heard positive reviews about this pole saw, and I can’t wait to put it to the test. Stay tuned for the video of me cutting down that looming limb!”

First Impressions


When you first unbox the Harbor Freight 9.5” 7amp Portland Pole Saw, you’ll notice that it comes with all the necessary components neatly packed. The saw itself is lightweight and easy to handle, making it perfect for trimming overgrown limbs. You’ll also find the instructions manual, which is straightforward and easy to follow.


Setting up the pole saw is a breeze. Simply plug it into an extension cord, and you’re ready to go. There’s no need to worry about complicated assembly or complicated tools. The simplicity of the setup process makes it convenient for both beginners and experienced users.

Initial Reactions

Upon using the pole saw for the first time, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by its performance. The 7amp motor provides enough power to cut through even tough branches effortlessly. The half-inch bar and eight-foot-ten-inch handle length offer excellent reach, allowing you to access high branches without the need for a ladder. Overall, the initial impressions of the Harbor Freight Pole Saw are very positive.

Product Details


The Harbor Freight Pole Saw belongs to the Portland brand, known for producing reliable and high-quality tools. This brand has gained a reputation for delivering value for money, making it a popular choice among users.


The size of the pole saw is compact and lightweight, making it easy to maneuver. With a bar length of 9.5 inches, it strikes the perfect balance between functionality and portability.


One notable feature of the Harbor Freight Pole Saw is its 7amp motor, which provides ample power for cutting through branches. Additionally, the eight-foot-ten-inch handle length allows for extended reach, eliminating the need for additional equipment like ladders.


At a price of around $45, the Harbor Freight Pole Saw offers excellent value for money. It provides quality performance at an affordable price point, making it a cost-effective option for those looking to tackle their tree trimming needs.


The product comes with a warranty option, where you can purchase a two-year insurance plan. This plan allows you to return the saw without a receipt, even if it’s working, and get it replaced. The warranty includes the guarantee of a new chain if it goes dull. This warranty coverage adds peace of mind to your purchase and ensures that the product will be reliable for the long term.

Chain Assembly

Reading the Instructions

The instruction manual that comes with the Harbor Freight Pole Saw is clear and easy to understand. It provides step-by-step guidance on how to assemble the chain correctly, ensuring a safe and efficient cutting experience.

Direction of the Chain

One important aspect of the assembly process is ensuring that the chain is set in the right direction. The instructions clearly outline the correct orientation, allowing you to avoid any potential issues during operation.

Tightening the Chain

The chain tightening process is straightforward, thanks to the user-friendly design of the pole saw. The rail system allows for easy adjustment and tightening of the chain, ensuring optimal performance and safety.

Quality of the Chain

The chain provided with the Harbor Freight Pole Saw is of excellent quality. It is durable and sharp, enabling clean and precise cuts. With proper maintenance and care, the chain will last for an extended period, ensuring long-term usability of the pole saw.

Preparing the Saw

Adding Bar Oil

Before using the pole saw, it is essential to add bar oil to ensure proper lubrication. The process is simple and can be done using any standard bar oil. This step is crucial to reduce friction and increase the lifespan of both the chain and the bar.

Ensuring Proper Lubrication

Proper lubrication is vital for the smooth operation of the pole saw. By adding bar oil and regularly checking the oil levels, you can ensure that the chain moves effortlessly, reducing wear and tear.

Testing the Pole Saw

Cutting Performance

When it comes to cutting performance, the Harbor Freight Pole Saw does not disappoint. The 7amp motor provides ample power for cutting through branches of various sizes. The sharp and durable chain, along with the well-designed bar, ensures clean and efficient cuts.

Handling and Control

The pole saw’s lightweight design makes it easy to handle and control. The comfortable grip and ergonomic design allow for extended periods of use without fatigue. Maneuvering the saw to reach high or hard-to-reach branches is also effortless, thanks to the eight-foot-ten-inch handle length.

Ease of Use

Even for those with limited experience, the Harbor Freight Pole Saw is incredibly user-friendly. The intuitive controls and straightforward operation make it accessible to beginners. The pole saw’s design and features make it easy to use and enjoy trimming branches hassle-free.


Efficiency of the Cuts

During testing, the Harbor Freight Pole Saw proved to be highly efficient in cutting branches. The combination of the powerful motor and sharp chain allowed for swift and precise cuts. Whether dealing with thinner or thicker branches, this pole saw made the task efficient and time-saving.

Quality of the Cut

The quality of the cuts produced by the Harbor Freight Pole Saw is impressive. The sharp chain, coupled with the right amount of power, ensures clean cuts without crushing or damaging the branches. This precise cutting ability contributes to the overall appearance and health of the trimmed trees.

Comparison to Other Pole Saws


When compared to other pole saws in its price range, the Harbor Freight Pole Saw stands out for its reliability and performance. It offers comparable features and cutting performance while providing excellent value for money.


While the Harbor Freight Pole Saw may not have the same brand recognition as some of its competitors, it matches or exceeds the performance of higher-priced options. The combination of power, reach, and durability sets it apart from other pole saws in the market.

User Reviews

Positive Feedback

Users have praised the Harbor Freight Pole Saw for its affordability and reliability. Many have mentioned its excellent cutting performance and ease of use. The lightweight design and comfortable grip have also garnered positive feedback. Users appreciate the warranty option, which adds peace of mind to their purchase.

Negative Feedback

Some users have mentioned that the chain may require frequent tightening during extended use. However, this is a common issue with most pole saws, and proper maintenance can minimize any inconvenience.

Overall Satisfaction


The Harbor Freight Pole Saw has several notable advantages, including its affordable price, good cutting performance, and ease of use. The warranty option adds value and reassurance to the purchase, making it an excellent choice for users looking for a reliable and cost-effective pole saw.


While the performance of the Harbor Freight Pole Saw is generally impressive, some users might find the chain tightening requirements a minor inconvenience. However, with proper maintenance and regular adjustments, this issue can be easily resolved.


Final Thoughts

The Harbor Freight 9.5” 7amp Portland Pole Saw is a reliable and efficient tool for trimming branches. Its lightweight design and user-friendly features make it accessible to both beginners and experienced users. With its powerful motor and sharp chain, it delivers excellent cutting performance. The warranty option adds peace of mind and further enhances the value of the product.


Based on its performance, durability, and affordability, the Harbor Freight Pole Saw is highly recommended for those in need of a reliable tool for trimming trees and shrubs. Whether you have a small backyard or a larger property, this pole saw will undoubtedly prove to be an invaluable addition to your gardening arsenal.