Cutting High Branches with the Corona Pole Saw

Imagine a towering tree with branches so high that they seem out of reach. Well, with the Corona Pole Saw, you can reach new heights in branch-cutting! In a recent video by Lifey Guy, this powerful tool was put to the test, and the results were impressive. The pole saw is designed for cutting high branches and boasts an impressive reach of up to 15 feet. It’s easy to extend and comes with a little pair of loppers, allowing you to chop smaller branches with ease. While it excels at cutting through green and soft woods, it may require more effort for thicker or hardwood branches. So, if you’re up for an arm workout and want to tackle those hard-to-reach branches, the Corona Pole Saw is definitely worth considering.

Features of the Corona Pole Saw

The Corona Pole Saw is a versatile tool that comes with a range of features to make your tree pruning tasks easier and more efficient. Let’s take a closer look at its key attributes:

Extends up to 15 feet

One of the standout features of the Corona Pole Saw is its impressive reach. This tool can extend up to 15 feet, allowing you to reach high branches without the need for a ladder. Whether you’re trimming branches or clearing away deadwood, this extended reach ensures that you can tackle even the tallest trees with ease.

Easy to extend and telescope

The Corona Pole Saw is designed for convenience and user-friendliness. It features a telescoping mechanism that makes extending the pole a breeze. Simply loosen the mechanism, extend the pole to your desired length, and then tighten it back up. This hassle-free process allows you to adjust the length of the pole quickly and effortlessly, saving you time and effort during your pruning tasks.

Includes a pair of loppers

In addition to its pole saw functionality, the Corona Pole Saw also includes a pair of loppers. These loppers are attached to the pole and can be easily accessed by pulling a rope. The loppers are perfect for cutting smaller branches that are one to three inches thick. With this added feature, you can handle a wider range of pruning tasks, making the Corona Pole Saw a versatile tool for all your tree maintenance needs.

Sharp blade for cutting small branches

The Corona Pole Saw is equipped with a sharp blade that excels at cutting through small branches. While the blade may not be as sharp as when it first came out of the box after extended use, it still performs well when tackling smaller branches. This feature ensures clean and precise cuts, minimizing damage to the tree and promoting healthy growth.

Using the Corona Pole Saw

Now that we’ve explored the key features of the Corona Pole Saw, let’s delve into its performance and usability. Here are some factors to consider when using this tool:

Demonstrating the pole saw in action

To illustrate the effectiveness of the Corona Pole Saw, let’s discuss its performance during tree pruning tasks. When used on larger branches, the pole saw proves to be highly efficient, cutting through them with relative ease. The extended reach allows you to safely reach higher branches without having to constantly reposition yourself or use a ladder.

Effort required to cut different types of wood

While the Corona Pole Saw effortlessly handles green wood and soft woods, cutting thicker branches or hardwood does require more effort and muscle. This is worth considering if you anticipate working with tougher wood varieties or thicker branches regularly. However, for the average homeowner with standard tree maintenance needs, the Corona Pole Saw should provide satisfactory performance.

Effectiveness of the loppers

The inclusion of the loppers with the Corona Pole Saw is a valuable addition. During testing, the loppers proved to be surprisingly effective, making quick work of smaller branches. Whether you need to trim thin branches or remove deadwood, the loppers offer a convenient alternative to using the saw itself. Their ease of use and efficiency enhance the overall versatility and usefulness of the tool.

Difficulties when cutting small branches on a swaying tree

When operating the Corona Pole Saw on smaller trees that sway in the wind, you may encounter some difficulties. Due to the constant movement of the tree, it can be challenging to make clean cuts. This can lead to less precise pruning and potentially result in unintended damage to the tree. It’s important to remain patient and exercise caution in these situations to avoid any unwanted consequences.

Bouncing of the blade when the pole is extended long

Another factor to be aware of when utilizing the extended reach of the Corona Pole Saw is the potential for the blade to bounce. When applying force and attempting to control the cut, the blade may bounce out of the groove, hindering the cutting process. To mitigate this issue, it’s important to use firm and controlled motions when pruning with the extended pole. Maintaining balance and control will help you achieve cleaner and more efficient cuts.

Caution when cutting thick branches near other branches

When dealing with thicker branches, particularly those positioned near other branches, caution is necessary. The blade may become stuck or pinched when there are branches in close proximity. This can make it challenging to release the blade and continue with the cutting process. It’s advisable to take your time, assess the surrounding branches, and plan your cuts carefully to avoid any unwanted entanglements.

Pros of the Corona Pole Saw

After evaluating the Corona Pole Saw’s features and usability, let’s highlight its advantages:

Long reach with the ability to cut high branches

The primary benefit of the Corona Pole Saw is its impressive reach, allowing you to safely trim high branches without requiring a ladder. This extended reach saves you time and effort while improving overall safety during tree maintenance tasks.

Easy to extend and adjust

The telescoping mechanism of the Corona Pole Saw makes it incredibly easy to extend and adjust the length of the pole. With a simple loosening and tightening process, you can quickly customize the length to suit your specific pruning needs. This convenience adds to the overall user-friendly nature of the tool.

Includes a pair of loppers for smaller branches

The addition of the loppers to the Corona Pole Saw enhances its versatility. These loppers are ideal for cutting smaller branches, eliminating the need for additional tools. They provide a practical solution for trimming thin branches and offer added value to the overall functionality of the tool.

Cuts through green wood and soft woods easily

The Corona Pole Saw’s sharp blade excels at cutting through green wood and soft woods effortlessly. This capability ensures clean and precise cuts, promoting healthier tree growth. Whether you’re removing deadwood or shaping the tree, the saw’s performance on softer wood varieties is commendable.

Great workout for shoulder and arm muscles

Using the Corona Pole Saw can help provide a full upper-body workout. As you maneuver and cut branches, your shoulder and arm muscles are engaged, providing a valuable exercise opportunity. This additional benefit makes the Corona Pole Saw a useful tool not only for tree maintenance but also for strengthening and toning your muscles.

Cons of the Corona Pole Saw

While the Corona Pole Saw offers numerous advantages, it’s important to consider its limitations:

Requires more effort and muscle for cutting thick branches and hardwood

When confronted with thicker branches or hardwood, the Corona Pole Saw requires additional effort and muscle to make clean cuts. The user should be prepared for the increased exertion needed for pruning tasks involving tougher wood varieties.

Blade can bounce and get stuck when the pole is extended long

The extended reach of the Corona Pole Saw may result in some challenges. The blade has the potential to bounce out of the groove when used with the extended pole. To ensure efficient cutting and avoid frustrating setbacks, it’s vital to apply sufficient force and control throughout the cutting process.

Difficulties when cutting small branches on swaying trees

Cutting small branches on swaying trees can prove to be challenging with the Corona Pole Saw. The constant movement of the tree can hinder clean and precise cuts, potentially resulting in unintended damage. This factor should be taken into account when using the pole saw in such circumstances.


In conclusion, the Corona Pole Saw offers a range of valuable features that make it a reliable tool for tree pruning and maintenance. Its extended reach, ease of extension, inclusion of loppers, and sharp blade for smaller branches enhance its overall functionality and usability. While there are some limitations to consider, such as the effort required for cutting thicker branches and the potential for bouncing with the extended pole, the Corona Pole Saw remains a solid choice for homeowners and professionals alike. With proper caution and technique, this tool can assist you in keeping your trees healthy and well-maintained while providing a satisfying upper-body workout. Whether you’re a seasoned arborist or a DIY enthusiast, the Corona Pole Saw is worth considering for your pruning needs.