Which Is Better Gas Or Electric Pole Saw?

Are you in the market for a new pole saw, but can’t decide between gas or electric? It’s a common dilemma faced by many homeowners and DIY enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of both options, helping you make an informed decision that suits your specific needs. Whether you’re tackling a small backyard project or a larger, more demanding job, we’ll break down the key differences between gas and electric pole saws, so you can choose the one that’s best for you.

Power Source

Gas-powered pole saw

A gas-powered pole saw is a popular option for those who value sheer power and performance. With a gas engine, it is capable of generating more cutting power than its electric counterpart. This makes it ideal for tackling heavy-duty tasks and cutting through thick branches and limbs with ease. Additionally, gas-powered pole saws often come with larger blades, further enhancing their cutting capabilities.

Electric pole saw

On the other hand, an electric pole saw is powered by electricity, either through a cord or a rechargeable battery. While it may not match the raw power of a gas-powered pole saw, it still offers sufficient cutting power for most household tasks. Electric pole saws are generally more lightweight and easier to handle, making them a great option for those who may not have much upper body strength or are uncomfortable with heavy equipment.

Power and Performance

Gas-powered pole saw

As mentioned earlier, gas-powered pole saws excel in terms of power and performance. With their powerful engines and larger blades, they are capable of cutting through even the toughest of branches. This is particularly useful for individuals who regularly deal with large trees or dense foliage. The extra cutting power also enables users to complete their tasks more quickly and efficiently.

Electric pole saw

While electric pole saws may not match the raw power of their gas-powered counterparts, they still offer impressive performance. Many electric models come with motors or batteries that provide sufficient power to handle most pruning and trimming tasks. Additionally, electric pole saws operate quietly and smoothly, creating less vibration and producing cleaner cuts. This can be advantageous for those looking for a less intimidating and more precise experience.

Ease of Use

Gas-powered pole saw

Gas-powered pole saws can be a bit more challenging to use, especially for those who are not familiar with operating gas engines. They require regular maintenance, including the fueling of gas and oil mixtures, as well as cleaning air filters and spark plugs. Starting them may also require multiple pulls of a recoil starter. However, once you get the hang of it, the cutting process is relatively straightforward, allowing you to reach high branches effortlessly.

Electric pole saw

On the other hand, electric pole saws are generally much easier to use. With the simple press of a button, they spring to life, eliminating the hassle of manual starting. Most models also come with ergonomic handles and lightweight designs, making them comfortable to hold and maneuver. Electric pole saws require minimal maintenance compared to gas-powered models, making them a convenient choice for those who prefer a hassle-free experience.


Gas-powered pole saw

When it comes to portability, gas-powered pole saws may not be the most convenient option. They require a fuel source, typically a gas can, which can add weight and bulkiness to the overall equipment. Additionally, the need for a gas engine means carrying extra oil and fuel mixtures for extended use. This can be problematic for individuals who need to carry the pole saw to various locations or have limited storage space.

Electric pole saw

Electric pole saws, on the other hand, are known for their excellent portability. With corded models, you typically only need a power outlet nearby, making them perfect for smaller yards or locations near the house. Battery-powered electric pole saws offer even greater portability, allowing you to move freely without the restriction of cords. They are lightweight and easy to transport, making them a great choice for those who frequently work in different areas.

Noise Level

Gas-powered pole saw

One notable disadvantage of gas-powered pole saws is their noise level. The engines produce a significant amount of noise, which can be a disturbance to both the user and the surrounding environment. This can be particularly bothersome in residential areas or when working early in the morning. It is important to consider the noise regulations in your area and whether the noise level of a gas-powered pole saw is tolerable for your situation.

Electric pole saw

Electric pole saws, in contrast, operate much more quietly. The electric motors produce minimal noise, preventing unnecessary disturbance to both the user and the neighborhood. This makes them an excellent option for those living in noise-sensitive areas or for those who simply prefer a quieter working environment. The reduced noise level also enhances safety, as it allows for better communication and awareness of one’s surroundings.

Maintenance and Operation

Gas-powered pole saw

Gas-powered pole saws require more maintenance compared to electric counterparts. The engines need periodic maintenance, such as regular oil changes and spark plug replacements. Air filters also need to be cleaned or replaced regularly to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, gas-powered pole saws can be more finicky to start, requiring several pulls of the recoil starter. It is important to keep up with the maintenance schedule to ensure the longevity and efficiency of the equipment.

Electric pole saw

On the other hand, electric pole saws require minimal maintenance. They do not have fuel filters or carburetors that need cleaning and are much simpler machines overall. The only maintenance tasks typically required are keeping the blades sharpened and occasionally lubricating the moving parts. Additionally, electric pole saws do not have complicated starting procedures – simply press a button or switch, and you’re ready to start cutting.

Environmental Impact

Gas-powered pole saw

Gas-powered pole saws have a higher environmental impact compared to electric pole saws. The combustion engines emit exhaust fumes, contributing to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. They also require the use of fuel mixtures containing oil, which can be harmful if not properly disposed of. It is important to consider the potential environmental consequences when choosing a gas-powered pole saw and to ensure proper maintenance and eco-friendly practices.

Electric pole saw

Electric pole saws have a lower environmental impact due to their cleaner operation. They do not emit harmful fumes or contribute to air pollution while in use. Additionally, electric pole saws do not require the use of fuel mixtures, reducing the potential for environmental contamination. By choosing an electric pole saw, you can minimize your carbon footprint and make a more environmentally friendly choice for your pruning and trimming needs.


Gas-powered pole saw

Gas-powered pole saws tend to be more expensive than electric pole saws. The cost of the equipment is relatively higher due to the complexity of the gas engine and the additional components required. They also require regular purchases of fuel and oil mixtures, which can add to the overall cost over time. Additionally, gas-powered pole saws may require more maintenance and occasional repairs, further increasing the long-term expenses associated with this option.

Electric pole saw

Electric pole saws are generally more affordable than their gas-powered counterparts. The initial cost of the equipment is typically lower, as electric motors are simpler in design and construction. The only ongoing expense for electric pole saws is the occasional replacement of batteries, if using a battery-powered model. However, the overall cost is still significantly lower compared to the constant purchase of fuel and maintenance requirements of gas-powered pole saws.

Safety Features

Gas-powered pole saw

Gas-powered pole saws often come equipped with various safety features to protect the user during operation. These may include chain brakes, which immediately stop the chain from spinning in the event of a kickback or sudden movement. Some models also have anti-vibration systems, reducing the impact on the user’s hands and arms. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the safety features of your gas-powered pole saw and follow all recommended safety precautions during use.

Electric pole saw

Similar to gas-powered pole saws, electric pole saws also come with safety features to ensure user protection. Chain brakes are a common feature, allowing for quick stops in case of unexpected events. Since electric pole saws produce less vibration, they are generally more comfortable to handle and minimize fatigue during prolonged use. As with any power tool, it is crucial to read and understand the manufacturer’s safety guidelines to ensure safe and responsible operation.


When choosing between a gas-powered pole saw and an electric pole saw, you should consider your specific needs and priorities.

If you value raw cutting power, versatility, and heavy-duty performance, a gas-powered pole saw may be the best option for you. Gas-powered pole saws excel in tackling large trees, thick branches, and demanding tasks.

On the other hand, if you prioritize ease of use, portability, and environmental-friendliness, an electric pole saw may be more suitable. Electric pole saws are lightweight, simple to operate, and emit zero emissions, making them a convenient and eco-friendly choice.

Ultimately, both gas-powered and electric pole saws have their advantages and disadvantages. It is important to evaluate your needs, budget, and the specific characteristics of each type before making a decision. By doing so, you can ensure that you choose the pole saw that best suits your requirements and helps make your pruning and trimming tasks safer and more efficient.