What Tool Is Used To Cut Down A Tree?

Welcome to the world of tree cutting! If you’ve ever wondered what tool is used to cut down a tree, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explore the various tools that are commonly used to fell trees and delve into the different techniques involved in safely bringing down a tree. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s jump into the fascinating world of tree cutting together. What Tool Is Used To Cut Down A Tree?

What tool is used to cut down a tree? You may be wondering what equipment you need to safely and effectively take down a tree on your property. In this article, we’ll discuss the different tools that are commonly used for cutting down trees, their features, and how to use them properly.


When it comes to cutting down a tree, one of the most traditional and versatile tools is the axe. Axes come in various shapes and sizes, but they all have a sharp blade attached to a handle. The two main types of axes used for tree cutting are felling axes and splitting axes.

Felling Axes

Felling axes are designed to cut across the grain of the wood, making them ideal for chopping down trees. These axes typically have a sharp, narrow blade that tapers to a point, allowing for precise cuts. They are also weighted towards the head of the axe, making them more efficient at chopping through the wood.

Splitting Axes

Splitting axes, on the other hand, are designed to split wood along the grain. While not as effective for actually felling a tree, splitting axes are perfect for splitting logs into smaller pieces for firewood. These axes have a wider, wedge-shaped blade that helps to separate the wood fibers when striking down.


Another popular tool for cutting down trees is the chainsaw. Chainsaws are powered saws that use a rotating chain to cut through wood quickly and efficiently. There are two main types of chainsaws: gas-powered and electric-powered.

Gas-Powered Chainsaws

Gas-powered chainsaws are more powerful and are suitable for cutting down larger trees or dense hardwood. They are also more portable since they do not require a power source, making them ideal for remote areas or areas without electricity. However, gas-powered chainsaws are louder, emit fumes, and require more maintenance compared to electric chainsaws.

Electric-Powered Chainsaws

Electric-powered chainsaws, on the other hand, are quieter, lighter, and easier to maintain than gas-powered chainsaws. While they may not have the same power as gas-powered chainsaws, they are still capable of cutting through smaller trees and branches. Electric chainsaws are also more environmentally friendly, as they do not emit harmful fumes.

Hand Saws

For smaller trees or branches, hand saws can be a practical and efficient tool to use. Hand saws are manual saws that feature a thin, sharp blade that moves back and forth to cut through the wood. There are different types of hand saws, each designed for a specific purpose.

Crosscut Saw

Crosscut saws are designed to cut across the grain of the wood, making them ideal for felling trees. These saws have a tooth pattern that alternates between cutting and clearing teeth, allowing for smooth and efficient cuts. Crosscut saws are typically longer and have two handles for better control.

Bow Saw

Bow saws are versatile tools that can be used for cutting down trees, trimming branches, or cutting firewood. These saws have a narrow, flexible blade attached to a frame that resembles a bow, hence the name. The blade can be easily replaced or tightened, making bow saws convenient and easy to use.

Safety Gear

When using any tool to cut down a tree, it is essential to prioritize safety. Proper safety gear can help prevent accidents and injuries while working with sharp tools and heavy equipment.

Protective Clothing

Wear long sleeves, long pants, and sturdy boots when cutting down trees to protect your skin from cuts and scratches. Avoid wearing loose or baggy clothing that could get caught in the tools or branches.

Safety Gloves

Invest in a pair of durable safety gloves to protect your hands from splinters and cuts. Look for gloves with reinforced palms and fingers for added protection.

Eye and Ear Protection

Use safety goggles or glasses to shield your eyes from wood chips, debris, and dust. Wear earplugs or earmuffs to protect your hearing from the loud noise of chainsaws or power tools.


A helmet with a face shield or visor can provide additional protection for your head and face while cutting down trees. Choose a helmet that fits securely and comfortably.

Proper Technique

Whether you are using an axe, chainsaw, or hand saw, it’s essential to use proper technique to ensure a safe and effective tree cutting process.

Axe Technique

When using an axe to cut down a tree, stand to one side of the tree and swing the axe with both hands in a smooth, controlled motion. Aim for the spot where you want the tree to fall and strike at a slight angle to create a wedge. Once the cut is deep enough, move to the opposite side of the tree and continue the cut until the tree starts to fall.

Chainsaw Technique

For chainsaw cutting, always hold the saw with both hands and maintain a firm grip on the handles. Start the saw before touching the tree and avoid cutting directly on the ground to prevent kickback. Use the chainsaw to create a horizontal cut, known as the undercut, before making a back cut on the opposite side of the tree.

Hand Saw Technique

When using a hand saw, ensure the blade is sharp and in good condition before starting. Hold the saw with one hand and use smooth, even strokes to cut through the wood. Keep the saw straight and perpendicular to the branch or tree trunk for the most efficient cutting.

Tree Removal Tools

In addition to cutting down a tree, you may also need tools to remove the tree stump and roots. Here are some common tools used for tree removal:

Root Saw

A root saw is a specialized tool designed to cut through tree roots below the ground surface. These saws are sturdy and sharp, allowing you to sever the roots without damaging the surrounding soil. Root saws come in different sizes, depending on the thickness of the roots.

Tree Stump Grinder

If you need to remove a tree stump completely, a stump grinder is a powerful tool that can grind the stump into wood chips. Stump grinders come in various sizes and styles, from handheld models to large, tractor-mounted grinders. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a stump grinder to avoid accidents.


A mattock is a combination tool that features a pick on one side and an adze on the other side. Mattocks are handy for breaking up compacted soil, digging up roots, or chopping through tree stumps. The pick end is ideal for loosening soil, while the adze end can be used for cutting through roots.


When it comes to cutting down a tree, choosing the right tool for the job is essential for safety and efficiency. Whether you opt for a traditional axe, a powerful chainsaw, or a versatile hand saw, make sure to follow proper techniques and safety precautions. Always prioritize safety and wear the appropriate protective gear when working with tools to cut down trees. If you are unsure about using any tool, consider seeking help from a professional arborist or tree removal service. Happy tree cutting!